Coin - a strong amulet to attract money

Since ancient times, people have tried to obtain material prosperity by all available means. Not surprisingly, almost everyone at the time believed in magic, so the magical methods of making special money talismans were very popular. And many today believe in special rituals that attract happiness, good fortune, and material wealth. It turned out that even a specially loaded coin was an amulet to attract money. And anyone can do it. Today we will talk about how to properly make such a talisman.

Characteristics of money amulets

As you know, the like attracts the like. That’s why to attract a certain amount of energy into their lives, people usually use objects that are related to what they want in some way. For example, in order to meet a soul mate and find happiness in love, feng shui experts recommend placing paired figures, heart-shaped gadgets, and any other objects related to what one wants to receive.

In money magic, the same rules apply: in order for the financial flow to increase and not stop, they use different talismans that are made of objects that are in some way related to money. Someone keeps an unchanging ruble in a wallet, someone says a big bill for a new wallet, and someone buys ready-made talismans in an esoteric store and keeps them at home. And all of these methods work great! And today we’ll tell you how to make a DIY amulet coin to attract money, and talk about a little bit of other equally powerful financial "magnets" you can buy or make yourself.

What kind of coin is suitable for making a talisman?

Before you can make an amulet coin, you need to bother finding a suitable item for it, because not all money becomes magic. So what kind of coin can you use?

  • It was brought from another country. Yes, yes, the coin you have chosen to bring with you to commemorate a long journey is perfectly fit for purpose.
  • An old antique coin. If you have a coin collection at home that has already gone out of circulation, it is entirely possible for you to make one of these into a personal amulet.
  • It was found on the street at night during the rising moon. Of course, not everyone will be lucky enough to find an amulet coin, but is it worth a try? Take a look at the lunar calendar, make sure the moon phase is increasing, and go for a night walk. Will you be lucky all of a sudden?
  • Most often. Most often it is the ruble that becomes a son's money during the ritual. But we'll talk about that a little later.

How to make a coin of wealth talisman?

lucky coins

There are several ways to make a cash coin - a talisman of fortune that attracts financial flow. We will talk about the simplest.

Method 1 - mirror ritual

This ceremony is performed at night, at full moon. To do this, you need to prepare a small round mirror (for example, like a powder box) and the coin itself. Around midnight, open the curtains (weather permitting, you can open the window as well), put the money on the windowsill so that the moonlight hits it, put a mirror next to it so that the coin is reflected in it. Then read the special plot three times:

"Mother Moon, your strength is to help me! Your wealth is my wealth, money for money! "

Leave the objects on the windowsill until morning and lie down. Hide the mirror in the morning and put the amulet coin in your wallet to attract luck and wealth. But never use it for its intended purpose. While the magic money is in the purse, it attracts financial flows to you.

Method 2 - Walnut ritual

The coin-shaped amulet can be made in other ways. In this case, you will need a large walnut, a green wax candle, and a coin, preferably not too large in diameter. The ceremony is performed strictly on the rising moon. At night, leaving it alone, chop the nuts very carefully so that the shell falls into two equal parts. Remove the seed - the shell must be completely empty. Place the prepared coin in one of the nuts. Melt the green candle in wax and pour it into the shell so that you get a full nut and the two halves join together, completely hiding the coin.

However, if you don’t want to deal with heating, you can simply light a candle with a match and drip wax on it, but this process takes a lot more time. Yes, and the wax hardens quickly, so the last movements before joining the two nuts should be done as quickly as possible to give them time to stick together. In order to increase the power of your future amulet, you can read all the conspiracies for money and wealth during the ritual. And, of course, visualize your material well-being, don’t distract yourself with other issues, but focus on the process itself. Store the finished money moulet with a coin in it after production, where your finances are at home.

Method 3 - The bullet of wealth

A coin money amulet doesn’t have to be in your wallet. This ritual is for those who want to send financial luck home without littering their own wallets. For such magical money, all you need is a coin itself, a small skein of green natural fibers.

One night on the rising moon, take a coin in your hand and start wrapping threads around it to get a green ball. As you twist, imagine the desire to get rich, or read any monetary act (you can take it from books, esoteric magazines, or the Internet). Secure the end of the thread inside the ball to keep it from breaking out, make a little loop on it, and then hang a magic money ball over the front door at home, inside, of course. This directs the financial flow to your home.

fiat rubles

And now let’s talk about another popular talisman of wealth. Irreplaceable ruble - what does it mean? You’ve probably heard of legends about the ruble, which is constantly returning to its owner, even if he spends it. So it's the same son rubles. True, legends still slightly exaggerate the magical properties of this coin - a modern amulet cannot be used for shopping or given to someone, it must be stored in your wallet. But yes, this is the most common coin with a face value of 1 ruble.

How to make a boy ruble with his own hands? To do this, you can use the mirror method described above, but other rituals can be performed.

Ritual with green candle

Buy a green wax candle without replacement. On the rising moon, light it with a match, place the prospective ruble amulet in front of you on a plate or table, and then carefully start dripping wax from a burning candle directly onto its surface to gradually coat the candle. green wax layer. Wait for the wax to dry, then hold the coin in your hand and say the magic words to yourself or out loud three times:

"I won’t change you, I won’t change you. Fill my pockets, bring good luck!

After that, keep the cash talisman in your wallet (it is better to designate a separate compartment for it), never replace it or give it to anyone.

Christian ritual

If you consider yourself a believer and are afraid of folk magic, try to make a son a ruble this way. Before proceeding with the ordinance, read the prayer of Our Father and then seek the help of the Higher Forces in your own words. Pick up the prospective amulet and read the following prayer on it (better to memorize):

"Angels flew in the night, armies from heaven hastened to the birth of Christ. Armies of angels sang in the night. A bright star burned in the sky, I am a servant of God (your name), I gave birth to a mother in a good hour. Just as the Blessed Virgin wrapped her little Jesus, washed her chest, so did my God servant (your name), my mother, God's servant (your mother's name), wrap a silver belt, a silver ruble, and a spoon under my head. gold chain in my hand.

Then he overshadowed the cross of the Lord, sprinkled it with holy water, and recited a prayer to the Holy Mother of God. He asked Our Lady at Christmas to convert a silver ruble into an unchangeable hryvnia. And the money in my wallet shouldn’t run out and be transferred. And the money previously spent, in unchangeable rubles, attracts it again and appears in your wallet. I keep this ruble, but I give it to my kids. Be so. Amen. "

If you are a man, change the words of the prayer to the appropriate one ("slave", "slave", "God's" is "God's"). After reading the wonderful words, put the coin in your wallet and don’t take it out.

Chinese coins to attract wealth

Chinese coin amulets for good luck

Another very popular money talisman is Chinese coins. Today, they can be purchased at almost any esoteric store or souvenir shop. Chinese amulet coins are small coins tied with a gold or red ribbon. It can only have two or three coins, but it can have five, six, nine. It is also possible to have a coin tied with a ribbon.

These special amulet coins attract people with wealth, prosperity and financial luck. But it is not recommended to use them immediately after purchase - they must first be cleaned of foreign energy and recharged. For cleaning - just put the purchased amulet in a glass of salt water for a day or bury it in plain salt.

The talisman is replenished at night, during the full moon. Make a small container of spring or spring water, throw the prepared coins into the water, and then read a special plot. We enter one of the most common texts, but you can also use another option that you found alone.

"As the pot is full of water, don’t put money in my wallet. Let gold, silver, abundance, financial help be with me.

The magic text must be repeated three, six or nine times. Then take out the coins and pour water on the corners of your home, the doorstep, be sure to water your wallet with a few drops. You can keep Chinese talisman coins in your wallet or hang them on a wall in the southeast of your home. One or two or three coins are usually chosen for the wallet, the larger ones being used as a talisman at home.

Nanbu son coin

nanbu fiat coin for good luck

Finally, we are talking about another strong money amulet - this is the Nanbu son coin. It is believed to be an exact replica of the money used by the Ming Dynasty. Nanbu attracts financial luck, helps you make profitable deals, increases your chances of winning the lottery, and also helps you raise money. You can buy Nanbu coins in esoteric shops. Such an amulet is usually kept where the savings are, or hung on the front door or bedroom handle. Gamblers always carry such an amulet with them.